8Waiting for the Train

Use the signs available to direct yourself to the designated platform.

Station Map JA

Platform Number
Except for Kokusaikaikan/Takeda (Karsuma Line), Rokujizo/Uzumasa Tenjingawa (Tozai Line).
DestinationPlatform Number
Karasuma Line Bound for Kokusaikaikan
Platform 2
Karasuma Line Bound for Takeda/Shin-Tanabe・Nara
Platform 1
Tozai Line Bound for Rokujizo/Hamaotsu
Platform 2
(Platform 3 for Misasagi Station)
Tozai Line Bound for Uzumasa Tenjingawa
Platform 1

The station name is displayed at the boarding platform
ACurrent Station BNext Station CPevious Station

kyoto_sta_plate_imageExample of Display (Karasuma Line) nijo_sta_plate_imageExample of Display (Tozai Line)
(design may be different) Subway Line Information
  • The digital display above the platform will display the destination of the train as well as expected arrival time.
  • An announcement will be made (in Japanese) to inform you of the train's momentary arrival.
karasuma_line_platform_displayExample of Display (Karasuma Line)
tozai_line_platform_displayExample of Display (Tozai Line)

Request to Passengers

  • 1. For safety, please stand in a 2-line fashion behind the (A) white line as you wait for the train's arrival.
  • 2. Please do not stand or put your luggage on the dotted yellow line.
platform_image What to Do When a Person Falls onto the Tracks

What to Do If You Drop Your Luggage or Any Personal Items onto the Track

  • Please never go onto the tracks. It is highly dangerous.
  • Please call a station attendant for help.If a station attendant is not available nearby, use the intercom located at the home platform to call one.

Use the Kyoto City Subway Convenience Map "Doa-Chika" to find out the locations of the elevators, escalators, and stairs of any station.
Kyoto City Subway Convenience Map "Doa-Chika"

9Getting on the Train

As it is dangerous, please wait for the train to come to an complete stop before attempting to board the train.


  • The doors open automatically.
    Platform screen doors are located at Kyoto, Shijo, Karasuma Oike Station (Karsuma Line), and every station on the Tozai Line.
  • Wait on the left and right side of the doors. Please let the passengers on the train exit first before you enter the train.
  • Watch your step.
    Be careful of the gap between the platform and the train.
  • Once you enter the train, please refrain from standing in front of the doors so that other passengers may board as well.
  • Please refrain from getting on the train last minute as it is very dangerous to do so.
  • The train doors will open and close automatically. Do not attempt to open them with any device (such as an umbrella or cane) as it is extremely dangerous.

10In Transit

A digital monitor inside the train will display the next stop in both English and Japanese.

display next station(karasuma line)Example of Display (Karasuma Line)
display next station(tozai line)Example of Display (Tozai Line)

Request to Passengers

11Getting off the Train

Wait for the train to come to a full stop. The doors will automatically open.


  • The doors open automatically.
    Platform screen doors are located at Kyoto, Shijo, Karasuma Oike Station (Karsuma Line), and every station on the Tozai Line.
  • Make sure that both your hands are kept at a safe distance from the doors when they open and close.
  • Watch your step.
    Be careful of the gap between the platform and the train.
  • To the Passengers Who Are Standing Near the Doors
    If the train is very crowded, please get off the train momentarily in order to allow the other passengers to depart. We appreciate your cooperation.
  • Once you get off the train, make sure you create some distance between yourself and the departing train.