1Arukumachi KYOTO Route Planner (Route Search)

The app will inform you of the best possible route, fare, and travel time using the bus and railway in Kyoto city. All you need to do is enter the place of departure and destination. The app is free to use.

Arukumachi KYOTO Route Planner JA Arukumachi KYOTO Route Planner EN

2Kyoto City Bus & Subway Timetable

Kyoto City Bus & Subway Timetable

Kyoto City Bus Timetable JA

Kyoto City Subway Timetable JA

3Kyoto City Bus Location Information (Poke-Roke) "Pocket Bus Locator"

This website will tell you the location of your bus.

Kyoto City Bus Information (Poke-Roke) "Pocket Bus Locator" JA

4Kyoto City Subway Convenience Map "Doa-Chika"

You can see which door of the train (left or right) is the closest to the staircase or elevator of each station.

Kyoto City Subway Convenience Map "Doa-Chika" JA